UX Learning Today

Anni Yan
3 min readDec 8, 2020


Linkedin Learning: Multidevice Design


  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Computer
  • Watch
  • TV
  • Audio Interface

Design for the user. Design for the ecosystem and understand how devices interact with each other. Design for a coherent experience so that the user knows how to use the device.

Design framework:

  • Consistency: have the same feature across multiple devices
  • Continuous: being able to use the app from different devices
  • Complementary: use multiple devices to create a holistic experience

Content of Use

Understand the condition and the environment the user is interacting with the product.

Responsive Design: deliver the same web experience between desktop, tablet and mobile device by scaling the content


  • the website is easier to manage
  • easy access for content


  • slower loading time
  • not all tasks are appropriate for the device size
  • high functional websites are not suitable

Native Apps: specific guidelines to help the app maintain the same design style; Google Material Design, Apple Design, Microsoft Design.


  • take advantage of the native decide capabilities like camera and notification
  • consistent with the device
  • faster experience


  • maintain multiple platforms
  • access only through app store

Hybrid Apps: a combination of native app and responsive web design.


  • single code base
  • cheaper solution


  • cannot access some device functionality
  • slow loading

Mobile First Design: design for mobile device first and then scale up the screen size to accommodate other devices


Touch Interfaces

For mobile or tablet devices:

Google suggests at least 48 x 48 dpi and Apple suggests at least 44 x 44 pts.

  • don’t ask the user for too many data entry when signing up
  • use Touch ID to gather information when necessary
  • use different gestures for different interaction
  • animation helps with smooth interaction such as loading
  • layout consideration: landscape or portrait

For smart watches:

  • small touch screen
  • design for highly focused task
  • text should be legible and viewable
  • notification should be easy to view and interact with
  • glanceable information: headline, picture, etc.
  • fitness data

Visual Interface

For TV:

Navigation for TV are usually at least 10 ft away and relies on remote control: up, down, left and right.

  • minimal text on the screen
  • large text
  • contract between the text and the screen
  • clear menu and information flow
  • use standard navigation pattern
  • color changes from screen to screen

Use cases:

  • video based apps and home decor apps use the large screen TV
  • gaming uses the visual and audio features of TV
  • shopping utilizes high resolution functionality of TV

Audio Interface

For voice assistance:

  • the design is hands and visual free
  • give brief and clear feedback
  • give the user information quickly
  • design conversational tone
  • consider the varied context and responses

Use cases:

  • concrete tasks with concrete responses: math, time, facts
  • information look up: wiki
  • personal lists: shopping list, reminder, timer

Case Study: Creating a Fitness App

Problem Statement: users have trouble creating, sharing and finding workout plans

Design Outcome: a native fitness app

User Research

Create a brainstorm of how people would want to interact with the app


Kate likes to workout every morning


  • Kate goes on a run and turns on tracking on her smart watch
  • Kate checks her smart watch for the work time and calorie burn
  • Kate uses her smart phone to check out a fitness blogger
  • Kate finds a HIIT workout plan and follows the workout video
  • Kate skips a workout using her smart watch
  • Kate uses her smart phone to skip a workout
  • Kate creates a workout plan
  • Kate shares an end of workout progress on her social media using smart phone

Organizing Information

App functions: play workout video, create workout plan, share workout progress and find new workout, skip workout, search for workout on watch, phone, tablet and desktop

Information Architecture:

Create an IA diagram to help organizing the information



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