In the previous part, I translated the user pain points into achievable goals. I also created personas to recreate the user types. The personas helped me to see users of different age group, life stages and family dynamic have different interactions with the lists. In this part of the project, I’m going to go through the process of Ideation and brainstorm ideas.
List Types
- One time vs Long term lists
- Private vs Public lists
- Single vs Grouped lists
Focusing Goals
- The list can be shared with others
- The list is easy to access
- The list can be combined
Brainstorm is an ideation technique that allows a group of designers call out ideas, building after each other’s thoughts.
The one time lists need to provide fast access, convenience, simple interaction. My ideas include bullet points, tables, images, checklists with visual interface. If the use wears smart watches or uses voice assistance, the interaction would be scrolling or light changes. It is inconvenient to use these technologies to edit a list because it requires more mental capacity. The user are more likely to use them to check if an item is on the list than to use it to edit the list.
The long term lists need to show the progress for the list, edit history, categorization. The users would put more effort into getting the list out than from the short term list. It is also possible that this list is shared with other users. One idea was to add items on the list from group texts. The user will use key phrase like “Put xx on the list” and it will be added without the user having to open any other apps. The voice interface also includes more functionality because the user will use more complex interactions, like add, remove, change.
The private allows the user to edit while the shared list allows the user to add other users. They can also give users different access abilities. Some can only see the item name/image, but others can see if it is completed/updated. The list can also be shared via social media or text. The last idea was to auto delete short term lists and give user the option to keep the list longer.
The single list only contains one list. The grouped list is a folder that contains many lists. The lists in the folder can be shared to different people. The interaction between the user and the voice assistant is more complex for grouped lists than the single lists. The user is able to grant access, add/delete items, and move lists. The smart watch can also be used to view the list.